Parking lot maintenance entails more than repairing cracks and potholes and making sure every slot is demarcated as legibly as possible. The seemingly impervious surfaces of parking lots, after all, will inevitably accumulate quite a number of pollutants such as oil, dirt, and toxins. If left unattended, such contaminants will ultimately find their way into rivers, lakes, and streams. Indeed, contaminated parking lot runoff is a leading cause of water pollution in the United States. As a business owner or property manager, it falls on you to educate your janitorial staff about what types of pollutants are commonly found on your parking lot, along with how to minimize such issues. Some of the pollutants commonly detected on almost every parking lot include motor oil, grease, gasoline, and trash. That being said, there are certain measures you can take to reduce the impact of these pollutants on the environment.