April 15, 2016

Why Is It Important for Businesses to Utilize Parking Lot Sweepers?

Clean parking lots are important in every community; no one wants to see trash, dirt and grease everywhere they look. A dirty parking lot encourages customers to take their business elsewhere. In large metropolitan areas such as Phoenix and Los Angeles, dirt and debris can accumulate quickly, increasing the importance of regular maintenance. Phoenix, AZ Phoenix is one of the largest cities in the country; with nearly four million residents in the combined metropolitan area, the roads experience heavy traffic. Everyone knows that prolonged traffic deteriorates roads, but some people give less consideration to the state of their parking lots. A parking lot sees less traffic than a main road, and the slower speeds at which people drive upon them leads to less wear and tear. Even so, proper maintenance of a parking lot is essential.

April 14, 2016

Make a Great First Impression on Customers Using Janitorial Equipment

When it comes to your business, you only have one chance to make a great first impression. People walking into your store are taking in the overall feel as well as the inventory, and this extends to the cleanliness of your facility. Many businesses fail to appreciate the importance of having a clean and welcoming environment. It’s not enough to just sweep the floors and dust the shelves. You also need to ensure that every surface from your tile floors to the windows look great to reap the benefits. Cleaning the Area, Inside and Out With the right janitorial equipment in Los Angeles, you can easily clean your entire facility inside and out. This is one of the most important things small businesses can do to compete with larger names and continue growing.

April 13, 2016

Cleaning with a Budget: Los Angeles Floor Scrubber Rental is Ideal

If you're in need of floor scrubbers service in Los Angeles but don't necessarily want to purchase the equipment outright yourself, then you might want to consider renting out the equipment. There are numerous benefits to renting floor scrubbers if you don't have the budget to purchase them outright or simply don't want to. No Maintenance Perhaps one of the most advantageous aspects about renting a floor scrubber in Phoenix or anywhere else is that you won't be the one saddled down with the maintenance of the equipment. Maintaining floor scrubbers involves the same process as maintaining any other type of equipment. You have to periodically have the equipment serviced and repaired to keep it in tip-top shape. When you choose to rent your floor scrubbers, you won't have to worry about dishing out the money to keep the equipment maintained, though.

April 12, 2016

Three Benefits of Using Green Cleaners with Commercial Floor Scrubbers

No matter what the size of your business, you need to have clean flooring for safety and aesthetic reasons. Once you have purchased high-quality floor scrubbers in Los Angeles for your company, you will then need to figure out what types of cleaning solutions to use in the scrubbers. The safest and most cost-effective choice for your business is to use environmentally friendly, or "green" cleaners. These kinds of cleaners use natural ingredients that are less harsh on your flooring, gentler on your floor scrubbers and safer for the scrubber's operator and everyone who works or visits your business. Saves Time Your janitorial staff and your fiscal managers will appreciate the time savings of using green cleaners inside of your used floor scrubbers. Green cleaners in Los Angeles do not require your employees to take as many safety precautions as harsh cleaning agents do.