April 26, 2017


A parking lot is often seen as the least important facility in a property, and thus its maintenance is commonly at the bottom of many property manager’s priority list. The bad news is that ignoring the parking lot comes with dire consequences, not the least of which is the damage that it deals to the building’s (along with its owner’s) reputation.

The parking lot is the first thing visitors see, and first impressions last, as you may well know. Treat your parking lot like a welcome mat and keep it clean and well-maintained. Suppliers of parking lot sweepers in Phoenix offer these tips to not only prolong the parking lot’s life, but also to improve the building’s curb appeal.

Sweep the area regularly

Sweeping your lot clean of debris and obstruction not only makes the area more attractive, it also makes it safer for the cars and pedestrians using it. Plus, it can help keep your overall building maintenance costs down. Rocks and leaves can hamper drainage, leading to frequent occurrences of standing water on the surface of the concrete or asphalt. This can soften surface and cause its break down potentially leading to cracks and potholes over time. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2qI6r0v

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